And of course someone had to tip off the paparazzi... we can't go anywhere:
And me and my sisses:
Here's me and Drew... she broke her wrist at school. She can't play softball any more so it's a sore subject, don't try to talk to her about it.
Here's me with my Mommy and Daddy:
Here's Lee who was particularly happy with his popcorn:
Here's a picture of us on the train.
And Carrie and Alli at the front:
And here's me and Alli on the carousel. She rode a panda. And Drew rode some type of bird. And Dad and Evan rode a panda too I'm pretty sure. And I was just the weird aunt taking pictures.
Andy ended up not being able to come because he was on call for work, so we missed him. But other than that it was a super fun day at the zoo. Until... dun dun dun... There was an announcement over the park that there was a tornado warning in Fulton County and that all outdoor activities were canceled. So in a matter of MAYBE 2 minutes here were the next events: Mayhem with the entire population of the zoo trying to get to the exits... I zipped Drew's broken arm into my purse and hung it on her shoulder... JUST as the bottom dropped out of the clouds. And we swam out of the park in the midst crazy sounding winds (I won't lie I was scared, and Evan, who I was carrying while I ran, kept whispering he was scared, so I played super calm and said it's just rain, no big deal)... we made it to our cars completely soaked, and had to forgo dinner together for the sake of getting dry.
But other than the dramatic ending to the day, I had a blast! And for the animal highlights... these were my favorites:
The meerkat with excellent posture:
And this guy:
I loved this post!! That's crazy about the storm. Good quick thinking about putting the cast in your purse to keep dry!! The animal pictures are funny, and the meerkat does have great posture! ;) Love ya Erin!!
Uhhh...Dad and Evan rode a gorilla, thank you.